Saraya Aqaba Waterpark: Jordan’s largest aqua park to open next month on the Red Sea coast

Brave the Dead Sea Drop, try the Wadi Rum Racer or visit Mount Nebo at the almost 30,000-square-metre water park in Aqaba

Jordan's largest water park is opening on July 3.
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Travellers heading to Jordan this summer can cool down with a visit to the country’s largest water park.

Saraya Aqaba Waterpark will open to the public on July 3, with residents being invited for a preview before then. The park is being operated by Farah Experiences, the same company behind Yas Waterworld and Ferrari World Abu Dhabi in the UAE.

Nestled in the south of Jordan with amazing views of the Eilat Mountains, the kingdom’s largest water park is part of Saraya Aqaba, a mixed-use destination on the Red Sea coast.

Spanning 28,500 square metres, it's Aqaba's first water park and has no shortage of rides and slides, many of which are named after the kingdom's most-visited destinations.

Try The Dead Sea Drop on the Aqaba Waterfront, where swimmers will plunge down a 12-metre vertical slide. Or grab your friends to take part in the Wadi Rum Racer and see who splashes into the pool below first.

“We are excited to announce that Saraya Aqaba Waterpark will be the first-of-its-kind water park in Aqaba and the largest in the Kingdom."
Chris Van Der Merwe

The park's very own Mount Nebo is named after Jordan's most famous peak and is the place to go for 360° views and four more water slides. Try the Syagha Serpent or venture into the Cavern of Wonders, while thrill-seekers will want to check out the Summit Soaker.

Visitors can also don a headset and venture into the water to experience Jordan’s first underwater Virtual Reality experience.

For little ones, Aqua Jerash is an adventure play area filled with slides, waterfalls, rotating water jets and a giant tipping bucket, reserved for children 12 years and younger.

Those seeking relaxation can float in the Al Mujib lazy river, which meanders along 200 metres of scenic waterway, and any adults looking for an escape from the children and some downtime can head to the Azure Oasis, where the Azure Bar will serve shisha and drinks.

Across the park, there are options for refuelling including the Rose City diner, named after the moniker often given to Jordan's Petra. As the main dining outlet, the casual eatery serves shareable meals and a special drinks menu. There's also snack carts, ice cream stalls and drink vendors dotted throughout the park for those who don't want to take too long a break from the action.

A stop at Al Siq Souk, which was inspired by the narrow gorge leading tourists into Jordan's ancient Nabataean city, is a must-do for visitors looking to take home a souveineir of Jordna's largest water park, or for picking up swimming essentials such as shorts, swimwear, caps, goggles and more.

“We are excited to announce that Saraya Aqaba Waterpark will be the first-of-its-kind water park in Aqaba and the largest in the Kingdom. At Saraya Aqaba Waterpark, guests from Jordan and around the world are in for an aquatic adventure like no other with slides, rides and experiences suitable for guests of all ages,” said Chris Van Der Merwe, general manager at Saraya Aqaba Waterpark.

Day passes to the park cost 35 Jordanian dinars ($49), and 30 dinars ($42) for children, with free entry for children under 3 years old. A Saraya Aqaba Waterpark Season Pass costs 100 dinars ($140) and gives visitors unlimited access to the park until the end of the season, plus discounts at dining and retail outlets.

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Updated: January 30, 2024, 8:40 AM