Canada Begins to Ease Border Rules, Warns ‘Finish Line’ Far Off

(Bloomberg) --

The Canadian government announced a loosening of Covid-19 travel restrictions for fully vaccinated people amid warnings that a return to a completely open border will take awhile longer.

Fully vaccinated Canadians and residents will exempt from the mandatory three-day hotel stay as well as a 14-day quarantine requirement on arrival to the country, Justin Trudeau’s government said in a statement on Monday. Travelers will still need to have tested negative for Covid-19 before their trip, and take a second test at the border.

The move -- effective July 5 -- is a first, incremental step to ease restrictions amid mounting impatience for the government to reopen the border between the U.S. and Canada. A fuller reopening won’t happen until 75% of Canadians are fully vaccinated, Canada’s border chief said on Sunday. The world’s longest undefended border has been closed to most travel since March 2020. On Friday, the government extended the restrictions until at least July 21.

“We haven’t reached the finish line, and the finish line is when a significant majority of Canadians, approximately 75%, are fully vaccinated,” Public Safety Minister Bill Blair told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. on Sunday. At present, less than a fifth of Canadians have received two shots, according to data compiled by CTV News.

The border restrictions have kept families apart, blocked tourists and students, and hampered the world’s largest bilateral trading relationship. While trucks and trains continued to move goods, Canada’s tourism and travel-related businesses lost an estimated C$20 billion ($16 billion) in revenue last year, according to one estimate.

Immigrants, Students

The new measures announced on Monday will help primarily Canadians living in the U.S. come home without the added costs and burden associated with the full quarantine. It could also expedite entry for new immigrants and non-permanent residents like students.

Travelers will still need to quarantine until they receive the results of the second test. The new rules don’t apply to tourists, and non-residents and partially vaccinated Canadians will still need to do the full quarantine.

Airlines, tour operators and other businesses on both sides of the border have been pleading for a more comprehensive reopening plan, with the vital summer season about to begin, and Canada’s go-slow approach is causing frustration. Blair’s announcement Friday that Canada would extend the border restrictions was met with some unusually blunt language from Brian Higgins, a New York Democrat who represents a border district.

Canada prioritized giving first doses to as many people as possible before moving on to second doses amid a shortage in vaccine supplies. As a result, some 66% of Canadians have received one shot, but only 18% have had two, the CTV data show. By contrast, about 45% of Americans have had two doses, according to the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker.

Hockey Players

Despite its cautious stance, Trudeau’s government had approved a travel exemption for National Hockey League teams earlier this month for the final rounds of championship playoffs.

But last week, the head coach of the Montreal Canadiens tested positive in Las Vegas after traveling while only partially vaccinated, according to a statement from the NHL.

Canada is expecting the delivery of 68 million doses by the end of July that should be enough to fully vaccinate the eligible population. Asked if that might allow Canada to reopen the border by the end of August, Blair said while he didn’t want to get ahead of the country’s public health agency, he was hopeful.

“Clearly, as those vaccines arrive and as Canadians continue to get in those lines and get vaccines into their arms, we’re really optimistic that we can meet that threshold of 75%,” he said.

©2021 Bloomberg L.P.

Updated: June 21, 2021, 6:00 PM